Nest Egg Spell
This spell is a quick and easy way to start creating rituals for yourself and to start believing in patience and confidence.
These are the ingridients that you need for this spell:
Green Candle
Parchment Paper
White Sage
Multiplier Oil
First empty your egg by putting one hole into it. Drain out the inside contents without damaging the egg. ( if egg breaks start again) Next you will use your Parchment Paper or any paper you can use and put down your intentions whether that be money or an object or a certain emotion. Put that into the egg and fill the egg with grounded parsley until it reaches the top. Burn your green candle that has your multiplier Oil on the wick and burn the wax on top of the whole until it is covered completely. Burn your white sage and speak your intentions into the egg. Once you are done, you find a fertile place in your yard where you can dig a whole and place the egg in the whole and bury it into the ground pour some water onto it and that's it! Now you learn to wait until it sprouts your intentions into the earth.
It is always good to do all money/prosperity spells on Thursdays! Even though anytime is a good time just follow your gut. I will go more into depth with why that is important later on this month with my Bruja subscribers. TC
More spells , rituals and ideas are on my site! Just look it up!! Be sure to tell me or show me how your spells went!