This can be by your self with

( Masturbation) OR with a partner through sex.

🦋First start out by setting your intentions before you begin. Grab some amethyst , carnelian and clear quartz stones and create a circle vortex in your room that either you or you and your partner can both lay inside of. Sage your crystals then ring a bell to begin your manifestation ritual. Bell ringing helps the ancestors as well as the spirit guides that are surrounding you to chime in or to help with the energy you seek.

🦋While you are in the 'act', visualize what you want. ( Make sure you are giving in this world as well, you will receive what you want when you have a healthy balance of give/take.) When you are reaching your climax, see yourself where you want to be or with what you want to have. If its money , I think about laying in a pool of it or seeing it raining down on me. If it is a material object, I think of myself using that object, driving it or wearing it. If it's with a person , I visualize me with that person, doing certain activities to the detail. !!!Make sure if it is of a person that-that person is connected to you in some kind of way. A friend, mutual, etc.!!! You have to put in the work too! you cant expect to sit on your ass eating chips and masturbate your way to a summer body, or with millions etc. You have to be out there doing the work as well, exercising deciding to eat right, working on a plan for your business or how to get a side hustle at least, even going out to certain places to try to meet those like-minded people you are wanting to meet etc. Dont be lazy!!!!!

Then you wait, learn patience and let it grow into fruition,you grow etc. You must also believe that whatever it is that you desire is yours already!

I suggest you try to forget about it, do not dwell on it too much and let it surprise you. That makes it so much more kick ass for me lol. TC

TIP: Get you a journal and personalize it. Write down what you want, your goals , where you want to go, how etc. in your journal. Date it so you can look back on how much has come to life and how strong you were during times you thought you weren't.

REMEMBER! The divine does not run on our manmade 24 hour clock schedule. So be patient with yourself , stay positive and have fun!! TC

Tanieka Carter