New Year Who dis?!!

Even though it's technically not a "new" year until March, we still celebrate the intertwine of the new fiscal year with a new year at life. So there you have Merry New Year!!!

I take this time out to relax, prepare and manifest all that I want for this new fiscal year. The first thing I do is check to make sure I am aligned within before I go trying to bring things forth or even try to help others along their journey. I first write a list of things I am thankful for, then a list I'd like to improve. My gratitude list should be more than my wants... After that I work on my Chakras!!

After that its time for some cleansing baths and realignment!! How do you get centered? I know many people have their different routines when it comes to magick but I have some rituals I picked up from my elders and they haven't steered me wrong yet!!! First I cleanse myself and children , then my house...


Be on the look out this year for classes, FREE Live Tarot readings on my FaceBook every week ( and great sales on all Potions, Jewelry & Tarot cause its about to go down!!!! You ready!!!??? If not come on and get ready!! 😜

Monthly SUBSCRIBERS!!!  

I know some have been asking about joining my monthly subscriber group where you are given a monthly box of potions , stones and more to help you every month! NOW YOU CAN JOIN!!! You will also get new rituals and spells every month for us to work on!!! We will learn the balance of dark and lite magick!!!  So dont join if you are skeptic, think you will be the next Head Witch In Charge after 2 months of learning or wish to take these learnings and steal information.💁 if you're ready to work and be included in something different yet fulfilling click that by going to products and selecting Monthly Subscriptions🌻



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