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In order for you to find your light, you must first conquer the dark…Tc

Left Hand Path

Tantric Dominatrix Priestess

Adults 18+ only

🥀Black Magick TC

Find your fantasies, nurture your passions, and explore curiosities in a safe space with no judgement. Tc offers Sessions that give you an opportunity to let loose, by yourself or with a partner. You will find new magickal epiphanies about yourself, and activities that are specifically geared to help you " level up” in your journey. Enter at your own risk and don't be afraid of a little domination, it just may heal you.


~ The VAULT ~

My own personal Only Fans without the limitations!!

Welcome to the land of Milk N Honey 🥀.

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🥀Black Magick Vault🥀
Every month

Want Black Magick To Be Your DOMME?

Black magick Dom sessions can start off light or can be a little spicy and intriguing!! You will create a great relationship with your domme and find out what kinks you like and what ones you would rather not do. these sessions can be geared toward your own desires. Black Magick can help you tap into uncharted desires. You will fill out an intake form so that we will know how to help you specifically and discreetly. All sessions are about connection and creating a beautiful sub/dom relationship with your Madam .

1 on 1 coaching sessions are available when you click the button.

Take the Femme Domme 101 Course TODAY!!

Learn the history behind kink. What is BDSM is all about. How to find your own empowerment. How important Femme Domme is to women empowerment. Click the link below and take Black Magick’s Course at your own time!

For local or traveling Domme demos, please use the contact me page to connect.

Check Out this Article About Tc ( Black Magick)from Memphis Voyager!!!